Desarrollo de competencias orales para controlar el miedo escénico en los estudiantes de contaduría pública
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Corporación Universitaria Remington
El trabajo tuvo como objetivo describir la importancia de desarrollar competencias orales para controlar el miedo escénico en los estudiantes de contaduría pública. Con una investigación descriptiva de campo, exploratoria y explicativa, realizado con los alumnos inscritos en el período académico 2021 en la licenciatura de contaduría pública de la Escuela de Contaduría Pública de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de La Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela. Con un muestreo no probabilístico intencionado por conveniencia, se utilizó la encuesta online como técnica de recolección de datos y como instrumento el Cuestionario de Confianza para Hablar en Público, dividido en dos partes: Seguridad. Disfrute al hablar en público y Miedo a hablar en público, estructurado tipo Escala de Likert con una confiabilidad del 0,91 medida a través de la prueba Alfa de Cronbach considerado un coeficiente alto. Los resultados coinciden con anteriores estudios que señalan la relación existente entre el desarrollo de competencias comunicacionales en los estudiantes universitarios y el control del miedo escénico; demostrando la dificultad de los encuestados en el manejo del miedo escénico dado el bajo nivel en el desarrollo de competencias orales, requiriendo cambios en el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje a fin de fortalecer sus competencias discursivas.
The work aimed to describe the importance of developing oral competencies to control stage fright in public accounting students. With a descriptive campus research, exploratory and explanatory, carried out with the students enrolled in the academic period 2021 in the degree of public accounting of the School of Public Accounting of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Zulia, Venezuela. With a non-probabilistic sampling intended for convenience, the online survey was used as a data collection technique and as an instrument the Confidence Questionnaire for Public Speaking, divided into two parts: Self - Confidence. Enjoy public speaking and Fear of public speaking, structured “Likert Scale” type, with a reliability of 0.91 measured through Cronbach's Alpha test considered a high coefficient. The results coincide with previous studies that indicate the relationship between the development of communication skills in university students and the control of stage fright; demonstrating the difficulty of respondents in managing stage fright given the low level in the development of oral skills, requiring changes in the teaching-learning process to strengthen their discursive skills.
The work aimed to describe the importance of developing oral competencies to control stage fright in public accounting students. With a descriptive campus research, exploratory and explanatory, carried out with the students enrolled in the academic period 2021 in the degree of public accounting of the School of Public Accounting of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Zulia, Venezuela. With a non-probabilistic sampling intended for convenience, the online survey was used as a data collection technique and as an instrument the Confidence Questionnaire for Public Speaking, divided into two parts: Self - Confidence. Enjoy public speaking and Fear of public speaking, structured “Likert Scale” type, with a reliability of 0.91 measured through Cronbach's Alpha test considered a high coefficient. The results coincide with previous studies that indicate the relationship between the development of communication skills in university students and the control of stage fright; demonstrating the difficulty of respondents in managing stage fright given the low level in the development of oral skills, requiring changes in the teaching-learning process to strengthen their discursive skills.
competencia comunicativa, comunicación no verbal, comunicación verbal, Formación profesional, miedo, Educación, Competencias comunicativas, communicative competence, non-verbal communication, verbal communication, vocational training, fear