Factores que afectan el servicio de asistencia técnica directa rural, en los modelos de transferencia tecnológica con enfoque territorial
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Corporación Universitaria Remington
La transferencia tecnológica del sector agropecuario colombiano se ha trabajado a lo largo de los años por medio de la asistencia técnica, buscando mejorar las condiciones productivas y socioeconómicas de los campesinos del territorio; sin embargo, no se han tenido los mejores resultados, ya que las estrategias implementadas se han creado de manera general sin analizar las particularidades de cada territorio, tal como busca aplicarse el enfoque territorial en el proceso de paz. En este artículo se propone evaluar de forma metódica los factores que puedan afectar el proceso de transferencia tecnológica, como los niveles de pobreza, el analfabetismo y las condiciones geográficas. Solo así, conociendo las particularidades de cada territorio, se podrán conocer sus necesidades, permitiendo diseñar de una manera más exitosa las estrategias que garanticen una mejoría en las condiciones de vida y las características productivas de los campesinos colombianos. Un enfoque territorial disminuirá los modelos genéricos de transferencia tecnológica, que solo funcionan en unas zonas particulares, ampliando el éxito de las estrategias de asistencia técnica. Para el logro de ello se requiere entonces, de análisis sistémicos y oportunos que generen programas de asistencia técnica específicos para cada territorio.
Over the years, technology transfer in the Colombian agricultural sector has been carried out through technical assistance, seeking to improve production and socioeconomic conditions of farmers. However, the best possible results have not been achieved, since the strategies implemented have been generally designed without considering the particular features of each region, in the same way the territorial approach is trying to be implemented in the peace process. This paper aims to evaluate in a methodical way the factors that can affect the process of technology transfer, such as poverty, illiteracy and geographical conditions. Only in this way, knowing the unique features of each territory, can their needs be known, allowing to more successfully design strategies that ensure an improvement in the living and production conditions of Colombian farmers. A territorial approach will reduce generic technology transfer models, which only work in particular areas, building on the success of technical assistance strategies. To achieve this goal, systemic and timely analyzes that generate specific technical assistance programs for each territory are required.
Over the years, technology transfer in the Colombian agricultural sector has been carried out through technical assistance, seeking to improve production and socioeconomic conditions of farmers. However, the best possible results have not been achieved, since the strategies implemented have been generally designed without considering the particular features of each region, in the same way the territorial approach is trying to be implemented in the peace process. This paper aims to evaluate in a methodical way the factors that can affect the process of technology transfer, such as poverty, illiteracy and geographical conditions. Only in this way, knowing the unique features of each territory, can their needs be known, allowing to more successfully design strategies that ensure an improvement in the living and production conditions of Colombian farmers. A territorial approach will reduce generic technology transfer models, which only work in particular areas, building on the success of technical assistance strategies. To achieve this goal, systemic and timely analyzes that generate specific technical assistance programs for each territory are required.
technical assistance, Colombia, territorial approach, socieconomic conditions, agricultural sector, technology transfer., asistencia técnica, Colombia, enfoque territorial, factores socioeconómicos, sector agropecuario, transferencia tecnológica.