La prevalencia de Pestalozzi en el entorno educativo del siglo XXI.
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Corporación Universitaria Remington
Desde sus concepciones pedagógicas Pestalozzi, propuso el uso de métodos de enseñanza que siendo prácticos y flexibles, estuviesen destinados al desarrollo gradual de las facultades intelectuales y físicas del niño. En sus obras expuso una profunda fe en los valores humanos, defendiendo su pleno desarrollo e influido por el Iluminismo, propuso una educación que siendo acorde con la naturaleza, fuese respetuosa de la libertad y responsabilidad de cada individuo.Palabras clave: autonomía, docencia, formación, método, pedagogía, valores humanos.
Pestalozzi proposed the use of teaching methods that, remaining practical and flexible, were intended for the gradual development of children ́s intellectual and physical abilities. In his works Pestalozzi exhibited a profound faith in human values. Influenced by the Enlightenment, he defended the full development of the person, proposing an education in harmony with nature and respectful of each individual ́s freedom and responsibility.
Pestalozzi proposed the use of teaching methods that, remaining practical and flexible, were intended for the gradual development of children ́s intellectual and physical abilities. In his works Pestalozzi exhibited a profound faith in human values. Influenced by the Enlightenment, he defended the full development of the person, proposing an education in harmony with nature and respectful of each individual ́s freedom and responsibility.
autonomy, human values, method, pedagogy, teaching, training, Autonomía, Docencia, Formación, Método, Pedagogía, Valores humanos